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Müller, Armin, 2025: Evaluating the generosity and effectiveness of catastrophic medical insurance in China, in: Asian Development Review, (im Erscheinen)

Molina León, Gabriela; Bezerianos, Anastasia; Gladin, Olivier; Isenberg, Petra, 2024: Talk to the Wall: The Role of Speech Interaction in Collaborative Visual Analytics, in: IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, (im Erscheinen), doi:10.48550/arXiv.2408.03813

Scherger, Simone, 2024: Social policies and the life course – a complex relationship re-visited, in: Zeitschrift für Sozialreform/Journal of Social Policy Research, 70 (1), S. 7 - 29, doi:10.1515/zsr-2023-0014, 15.03.2024

Son, Keonhi, 2024: Gender Cleavage and Political Parties in 19 Welfare States, 1900-1975, in: Journal of European Public Policy, online first, doi:10.1080/13501763.2024.2439562

Wiesehomeier, Nina; Düpont, Nils; Ruth-Lovell, Saskia, 2024: Xs We Share: Context Similarity, Culture, and the Diffusion of Populism, in: American Journal of Political Science, online first, S. 1 - 16, doi:10.1111/ajps.12942, 23.12.2024

Obinger, Herbert; Schmitt, Carina, 2024: War and the adoption of family allowances, in: Journal of Public Policy, 44 (3), S. 484 - 503, (im Erscheinen), doi:10.1017/S0143814X24000035, 16.02.2024

Frericks, Patricia; Gurin, Martin, 2024: Redistribution policies towards poor families in Europe, in: Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy, S. 1 - 18, doi:10.1017/ics.2024.12, 18.11.2024, Download PDF

Zayim, Gülen Derya; Kayaoglu, Aysegul, 2024: School starting age and mothers’ labour supply: Causal evidence from the 2012 education reform in Turkey, in: International Journal of Social Economics, online first, doi:10.1108/IJSE-02-2024-0110

Ipek, Gamze; Drobnič, Sonja; Boehnke, Klaus, 2024: Work-family interference and life satisfaction: The role of life goals, in: Community, Work & Family, 27, S. 1 - 23, doi:10.1080/13668803.2024.2424358, 11.11.2024

Devereux, Stephen; Wolkenhauer, Anna, 2024: Social Protection: Aspirations and Limitations of an Expanding Agenda, in: IDS Bulletin, 55 (2), S. 15 - 28, doi:10.19088/1968-2024.118

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