Vorträge des Teilprojekts B01
Blum, Sonja; Kuhlmann, Johanna
Which criteria guide target group constructions? The case of the COVID-19 pandemic
DVPW-Kongress, Deutsche Vereinigung für Politikwissenschaft (DVPW), Deutschland, 15.09.2021
Kuhlmann, Johanna; Nullmeier, Frank
Interpretive explanation. How can we transform process tracing and the con-cept of causal mechanisms for interpretive research?
13th Interpretive Policy Analysis Conference, Deutschland, 30.06.2021
Link (Stand: 22.09.2021)
Kuhlmann, Johanna
Policy responses to the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany and their political communication - Specifying narrative plots for regulatory and (re-)distributive policies
DaWS Early Career Workshop 2021, Deutschland, 06.05.2021
Blum, Sonja; Kuhlmann, Johanna
Landscapes in motion – Welfare system reform in 28 European countries, 1998-2018
Conference of the Lithuanian Sociological Society, Lithuanian Sociological Society (LSS), Litauen, 27.11.2020
Kuhlmann, Johanna; Nullmeier, Frank
The “ugly” Bismarckian Welfare State: A standard narrative in social policy
ECPR General Conference. Virtual Event 2020, Deutschland, 27.08.2020
Link (Stand: 16.09.2020)
Kuhlmann, Johanna;
Emotions and the Politics of Social Policy Reform: Why Macron’s Pension Reform Failed (For Now)
ECPR General Conference. Virtual Event 2020, Deutschland, 27.08.2020
Link (Stand: 16.09.2020)
Kuhlmann, Johanna
The role of emotions in policy process research – a mechanismic perspective
ECPR Joint Sessions. Virtual Event 2020, Deutschland, 16.04.2020
Link (Stand: 16.09.2020)
Kuhlmann, Johanna; Blum, Sonja
Geschichten vom Geben und Nehmen: Ein Vergleich sozialpolitischer Reformnarrative in der Arbeitsmarkt- und Familienpolitik
Workshop „Narrative ökonomischer Ungleichheit", NRW School of Governance, Universität Duisburg-Essen; Hans-Böckler-Stiftung, Duisburg, Deutschland, 03.12.2019
Kuhlmann, Johanna; Nullmeier, Frank
Could we hope to compile a list of basic causal mechanisms?
Conference “Causal Mechanisms in the Analysis of Social Policy Dynamics”, Universität Bremen, SFB 1342, Bremen, Deutschland, 08.11.2019
Link (Stand: 09.01.2020)
Nullmeier, Frank; Kuhlmann, Johanna
The Limits of Bismarckian Old-Age Provision and Provident Funds in East and South Asia: An Analysis of Causal Mechanisms in the Transnational Expansion of Social Policy
Social Citizenship, Migration and Conflict - Equality and opportunity in European welfare states. Annual ESPAnet Conference, European Network for Social Policy Analysis (ESPAnet), Stockholm, Schweden, 07.09.2019
Link (Stand: 07.11.2019)