At the University of Bremen, the following positions are available in the Collaborative Research Centre 1342's project "Global developments in health care systems":
2 Student Assistants with up to 37 hrs/month
Start date: 01.04.2025 / as soon as possible. The position is intended until September 2025.
The project is a part of the DFG-funded Collaborative Research Centre 1342 "Global Dynamics of Social Policy" and is directed by Prof. Dr. Sebastian Haunss and Dr. Lorraine Frisina Doetter.
The project consists of a quantitative and a qualitative subproject. One student assistant will work exclusively on the quantitative part of the project, the second will work on both the qualitative and quantitative parts.
The aim of the quantitative project is to map the historical development of the inclusiveness and scope of benefits of health care systems worldwide. In doing so, we analyse and annotate documents of health care legislation. Based on qualitative content analysis we are creating a training data set to fine-tune AI language models to support data collection in this field on different levels of text classification.
The qualitative project is undertaking two case studies on the colonial legacy of healthcare policy in Kenya and Nigeria. The research is based on archival documents, secondary literature and expert interviews, and employs process tracing to uncover the historical pathways and causal mechanisms that underlie the colonial legacy.
Tasks (refers to both advertised positions, unless otherwise described):
- Database and literature research
- Annotating of legal documents
- Support with qualitative analyses of archival documents (qualitative part)
Requirements (refers to both advertised positions, unless otherwise described):
- Enrolled in a German University during the employment period
- Excellent command of English
- Experience in qualitative text analysis
- Independent, reliable and organised working style
- Interest in global social policy / health policy legislation
- Interest in colonialism and its legacies (qualitative part)
- Experience with reference management software
- Experience in coding of text documents
- Basic knowledge about colonialism (qualitative part)
Deadline for application: 21.02.2025 (afterwards, rolling basis until positions are filled.)
Please send applications with CV and short letter of motivation stating expected graduation date, and the statement whether the application applies to both open positions or just one of them, to Mai Mahmoud (abdoumai@uni-bremen.de) and Julian Götsch (goetschj@uni-bremen.de).
Julian Götsch
CRC 1342: Global Dynamics of Social Policy
Mary-Somerville-Straße 5
28359 Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-58540
E-Mail: goetschj@uni-bremen.de
Mai Mahmoud
CRC 1342: Global Dynamics of Social Policy
Mary-Somerville-Straße 5
28359 Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-57079
E-Mail: abdoumai@uni-bremen.de