Archive 2022

Unicom building
Room: tbc
Mary-Somerville-Str. 7
28359 Bremen
9 am - 3.30 pm
Contact Person
Lecture Series
Equality at the CRC

Holding presentations is one of the skills that are frequently required of scientists in their professional life. Effective (self)presenting in the way of showing your strength
and knowledge confidently and authentically at the right moment is an art - and a professional competence that can be learned. Whether you are at conferences, in
front of an academic committee, making a presentation or promoting a research project: the way you think about yourself and how you come across to others will
deeply influence your success.

In this workshop, the participants will learn about essential speech communication techniques and get the opportunity to practice speeches. Furthermore, it provides
insights into the use of positive language and the practise of successful self-expression. After an overview of classical rhetoric, speech structure and feedback
culture you will be able to practice and improve your presence and personal performance in an academic setting. You will learn to promote yourself and your
scientific work with confidence and joy as well as to develop strategies for making a lasting and positive impact on contact persons, audiences and in an academic audit.
Elements of the workshop will be:

  • Positive self-perception and presentation
  • Practice of clear and concise communication
  • Body language, embodiment and status
  • Clearing your mind: Meditation and holistic bodywork
  • Rhetoric theory and input on speech structure
  • Speech/presenting & coaching

Trainer phil. Saskia Schottelius M.A., born in 1963, studied German, Communication Research and General and Comparative Linguistics at the University of Bonn (Magister 1988, Promotion 1993). She is also a mental trainer and teacher of martial arts, meditation and philosophy.
She gives speeches and seminars about personality development and career training – especially for women in the academic field. In rhetoric- and resilience-workshops and publications she focusses on her concept of “awareness in language in motion” to integrate self-expression, mindfulness and bodywork.


Day 1: 15.5.2023
9 am -noon
Introduction. Strong statements & science pitch
Reflecting: Women in Science
Turning the point of view: Positive language & self-perception

Noon -1 pm
Lunch break

1 pm -3.30 pm
Serenity is the key: awareness in motion, body language & status. Non-verbal knowhow
Delivering: Classical Rhetoric for lecture and defence
Meditation, conclusion of day 1

Day 2: 16.5.2023
9 am -noon
Taoist movements, voice & breath.
Performance-set, feed-forward and coaching.
Presentations, defences & discussions, part 1

Noon -1 pm
Lunch break

1 pm -3.30 pm
Presentations, defences & discussions, part 2
Review: From experience to expertise
Conclusion and evaluation


10 am - 11.30 am
Lecture Series
Equality at the CRC

The event is aimed at (future) parents, project directors and other interested colleagues of the CRC 1342 and the University of Bremen.

The event covers the following topics:

1. introduction: equality and support of families (Dr. 
Kressen Thyen, CRC 1342/EOC)

2. maternity leave, parental leave and substitutions (Dr. Cindy Roitsch, Gender Consulting Forschungsverbünde)

3. family policy components of the WissZeitVG, catch-up periods and contract extensions after parental leave (Dr. Malte Hesse, Staff Council)

There will be time for questions afterwards.

Participation via Zoom
Meeting ID: 990 3938 4990
ID code: 317238