Other Publications
Isabekova, Gulnaz, 2024: Health Aid and its Sustainability in Developing Countries. Insights from the Kyrgyz Republic, CRC 1342, <https://socialpolicyworldwide.org/post/health_aid_and_its_sustainability_in_developing_countries_29> (Date: 12.04.2024)
Kusch, Fritz, 2023: Review: Benton, James C., Fraying Fabric. How Trade Policy and Industrial Decline Transformed America, in: H-Soz-Kult, Link (Date: 07.03.2023)
2022: DAK-Modell für spürbare Entlastung von Familien beim Pflegebeitrag, DAK-Gesundheit, Download PDF
Wolkenhauer, Anna, 2021: Review: Peša, Iva, 2019, Roads through Mwinilunga: History of Social Change in Northwest Zambia, in: African Studies Quarterly, 20 (2), pp. 110 - 112, Link (Date: 17.11.2021)
Anderl, Felix; Wolkenhauer, Anna, 2021: Keinen Plan fürs Land?, Jacobin, <https://jacobin.de/artikel/agrarpolitik-landkonzentration-landgrabbing-landnahme-agrarlobby-bill-gates-bodenpolitik-bauernverband-hoefesterben-narodniks/> (Date: 05.11.2021)
Wolkenhauer, Anna, 2021: Bringing global capitalism back into the picture – social protection programmes in Africa, Review of African Political Economy, <https://roape.net/2021/10/12/bringing-global-capitalism-back-into-the-picture-social-protection-programmes-in-africa/> (Date: 05.11.2021)
Storath, Greta-Marleen, 2021: Review: Bomert, Christiane, 2020, Transnationale Care-Arbeiterinnen in der 24-Stunden-Betreuung - Zwischen öffentlicher (Un-)Sichtbarkeit und institutioneller (De-)Adressierung, in: Gender - Zeitschrift für Geschlecht, Kultur und Gesellschaft, 13 (2), pp. 168 - 170, doi:10.3224/gender.v13i2.14
Nullmeier, Frank, 2020: Review: Leisering, Lutz, 2019, Besprechung zu: Lutz Leisering (2019), The Global Rise of Social Cash Transfers: How States and International Organizations Constructed a New Instrument for Combating Poverty, in: Journal of Social Policy, 49 (4), doi:10.1017/S0047279420000422
Wolkenhauer, Anna, 2020: Review: Biruk, Crystal, 2018, Cooking Data: Culture and Politics in an African Research World, in: LSE Review of Books, Link (Date: 17.11.2021)
Frisina Doetter, Lorraine, 2020: Review: Yeates, Nicola; Pillinger, Jane, 2019, International Health Worker Migration and Recruitment: Global Governance, Politics and Policy, in: Journal of Social Policy, 49 (2), pp. 451 - 452, doi:10.1017/S0047279419001041