As part of her work in project A03 "Worlds of Labour: Coverage and Generosity of Employment Law", Andrea Schäfer participated in the international conference "Work, Migration and Society" at the University of Madras in India from 20 to 21 February, 2025.
Through intensive research and networking while preparing her fieldwork in India, Andrea Schäfer was able to establish a cooperation with Prof. M. Thamilarasan (Professor and Head, Department of Sociology, University of Madras, Chennai and Conference Director) and was invited to the conference as a speaker of the plenary session (conference programme).
Around the themes of work, migration, education, social development problems, workers' health and safety, decent work, the many participants discussed challenges in global and national contexts. In her presentation "Worlds of Labour: The Impact of Employment Regulations on Labour Market Inequality and Segmentation", Andrea Schäfer used recent data from the A03 project based on the WeSIS platform to contribute to the current state of inclusion and exclusion of labour regulation worldwide and to present first results on the relationship between labour regulation and labour market inequality based on wage differentials on a global scale.
Andrea Schäfer
CRC 1342: Global Dynamics of Social Policy
Mary-Somerville-Straße 7
28359 Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-57095
E-Mail: andrea.schaefer@uni-bremen.de