Publications of project B05 (2022-25)

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Müller, Armin, 2025: One country, two systems. The skewed generosity of vocational and professional qualifications in China, in: Heinrich, Andreas; Kaminska, Ewa; Pleines, Heiko; ten Brink, Tobias (Ed.), The generosity of social policies in socialist and post-socialist states, Palgrave Macmillan, (forthcoming)

Müller, Armin; Gibson, John; ten Brink, Tobias, 2025: Who is covered by unemployment insurance in China? De jure coverage, de facto coverage, and the dynamics of development, SOCIUM SFB 1342 Working Paper Series/29/2025, Bremen: SOCIUM; SFB 1342, doi:10.26092/elib/3730, Download PDF

Yan, Zhe; ten Brink, Tobias; Müller, Armin, 2025: Gaps between de jure entitlement and de facto benefits: Drift and the role of employers in China’s maternity benefit system, IN-EAST Working Papers on East Asian Studies/129/2025, University of Duisburg-Essen, (forthcoming)

Müller, Armin, 2025: Evaluating the generosity and effectiveness of catastrophic medical insurance in China, in: Asian Development Review, (forthcoming)

Eaton, Sarah; Müller, Armin, 2024: Varieties of Chinese Populism: Mapping the Mindsets of Pro- and Anti-System Populists, in: Wang, Shiru (Ed.), Three Faces of Populism in Asia. Populism as a Multi-faceted Political Practice, London: Routledge, pp. 45 - 64, doi:10.4324/9781003399780

de Podestá Gomes, Alexandre; ten Brink, Tobias, 2023: A Chinese bureaucracy for innovation-driven development?, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/9781108975902

Müller, Armin; ten Brink, Tobias, 2023: Lesson-drawing under authoritarianism: Generosity and cost control in China’s hospital payment reforms, in: Asian Politics & Policy, 15 (3), pp. 431 - 452, doi:10.1111/aspp.12709, Download PDF

Müller, Armin; ten Brink, Tobias, 2022: The diffusion of international models in China’s urban employees’ social insurance, in: Global Social Policy, 22 (3), pp. 560 - 579, doi:10.1177/14680181221111702, Download PDF

ten Brink, Tobias; Müller, Armin; Liu, Tao, 2022: The Introduction of Pension, Accident and Health Insurance in Urban China, in: Kuhlmann, Johanna; Nullmeier, Frank (Ed.), Causal mechanisms in the global development of social policies, Global Dynamics of Social Policy, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 33 - 66, doi:10.1007/978-3-030-91088-4_2

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