Visit us on social media and check out the blog Social Policy Worldwide!

The Collaborative Research Centre "Global Dynamics of Social Policy" is now on Mastodon! You can also find the latest news about the CRC 1342 on our X-channel. Furthermore, we also recommend the blog Social Policy Worldwide of the SOCIUM Research Center Inequality and Social Policy at the University of Bremen.

Read more // 20.06.2024

Immigrants and the Welfare State in Latin America

As the last event of our CRC 1342 Jour Fixe lecture series in the summer semester, Sara Niedzwiecki from the University of California, Santa Cruz, gave a lecture on "Immigrants and the Welfare State in Latin America. Barriers to access" on June 19, 2024. The lecture was not only attended by numerous colleagues on site, but could also be followed via video conference format.

Read more // 20.06.2024

Dr. Gulnaz Isabekova-Landau participates in the "Health in the Mountains Agenda"

Dr. Gulnaz Isabekova-Landau, postdoctoral researcher in the Collaborative Research Center project B06, which examines social policies in Eastern Europe, South Caucasus, and Central Asia, participates in the "Health in the Mountains Agenda" implemented by the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic with support from the World Health Organization (WHO).

Read more // 12.06.2024

CRC 1342 Retreat at the "Integrierter Gesundheitscampus Bremen"

This year's retreat of the Collaborative Research Centre 1342 "Global Dynamics of Social Policy" at the University of Bremen took place on the premises of the "Integrierter Gesundheitscampus" (IGB) on Friday, June 7, 2024. All members came together in the heart of Bremen's city centre to exchange ideas personally and professionally away from daily business.

Read more // 10.06.2024

Job offer: Student assistant in project A03

Project A03 "Worlds of Labour: Coverage and Generosity of Employment Law" of the Collaborative Research Centre 1342 "Global Dynamics of Social Policy" is looking for a student assistant who has some experience in formatting and who would be willing to format an edited volume (200 pages) along the format requirements of Palgrave Macmillan.

Read more // 09.06.2024

Awards for project A03: Top Cited Article in ILO International Labour Journal

Prof. Irene Dingeldey and Prof. Ulrich Mückenberger – both PIs of project A03: Worlds of Labour: Coverage and Generosity of Employment Law – received the "Top Cited Article"-Award of Wiley Publisher for the years 2022 and 2023. The article "Worldwide patterns of legal segmentation in employment law" is the scientific introduction of the special issue of the International Labour Review "Overcoming Legal Segmentation: Extending legal Rules to All Workers?" (February 2022).

Read more // 03.06.2024

The Nationalist Dilemma: A Global History of Economic Nationalism

On May 22, 2024, Prof. Marvin Suesse from Trinity College Dublin (Ireland) presented the central aspects and five case studies of his current monograph "The Nationalist Dilemma: A Global History of Economic Nationalism", published by Cambridge University Press. As part of the Jour Fixe series, the lecture was well attended not only by numerous colleagues from the University of Bremen and the CRC 1342, but also by many students from various faculties and study programs.

Read more // 22.05.2024

Gabriela Molina León successfully defends her PhD thesis

The Doctoral Researcher in the team of the Information Management Project (INF) wrote a cumulative dissertation titled "Multimodal and Collaborative Interaction for Visual Data Exploration". Gabriela obtained her PhD ("Dr.-Ing.") from the Faculty of Mathematics/Computer Science (FB 03) with a "summa cum laude".

Read more // 07.05.2024

CRC 1342 part of the "Praxisnacht des FB 8" at the University of Bremen

On Thursday, April 25, 2024, the "Praxisnacht des FB 8" of Faculty of Social Sciences took place at the University of Bremen from 6 pm to 10 pm. Over 250 students took part and received insights and tips on starting and planning a career from over 30 alumni. Among public authorities, NGOs and commercial enterprises, the Collaborative Research Centre 1342 "Global Dynamics of Social Policy" also took part.

Read more // 06.05.2024

New compositions of the Board of Directors and the Equal Opportunities Committee (EOC) of the CRC 1342

At this year's meeting of members on April 24, 2024, the board of the Collaborative Research Centre 1342 "Global Dynamics of Social Policy" was elected in a new composition. The members of the Equal Opportunities Committee were also elected.

Read more // 30.04.2024

When are survey questions about economic inequality too complicated?

Dr. Kris-Stella Trump from Johns Hopkins University (USA) visited Bremen for the opening event of the Jour Fixe lecture series of the Collaborative Research Centre 1342 in the summer semester 2024. In her talk, she gave exciting insights into her current research and, in the subsequent discussion with colleagues, exchanged views primarily on methodological issues in the creation and implementation of surveys.

Read more // 10.04.2024

Dr. Kris-Stella Trump (Johns Hopkins University, USA)
Dr. Kris-Stella Trump (Johns Hopkins University, USA)

13th International NordWel Summer School in Bremen

The 13th NordWel Summer School "State, Society & Citizen - Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives on Welfare State Development" will take place at the Haus der Wissenschaft in Bremen from 19 to 23 August 2024.

Read more // 01.04.2024

Governance in the co-creation of a web-based Research Data Management System in the Social Sciences

The Information Management Project (INF) wrote a report on the experiences with Research Data Management (RDM) in the CRC 1342, which was published in "Bausteine Forschungsdatenmanagement". In order to expand systematic RDM, the article addresses, among other things, the question of how the individual interests of researchers can be harmonised with collective goals in large collaborative projects.

Read more // 13.03.2024

"Bausteine Forschungsdatenmanagement"
"Bausteine Forschungsdatenmanagement"

Welfare and Inequality in Contemporary Southeast Asia: Paths to the Present and Future

As the last event of the CRC 1342 Jour Fixe lecture series in the winter semester 2023/24, Jonathan D. London from Leiden University gave an insight into his current research on Wednesday, February 28. He presented excerpts from his book "Welfare and Inequality in Marketizing East Asia".

Read more // 08.03.2024

Palgrave Macmillan, London. Springer
Palgrave Macmillan, London. Springer

Research trips to China and post-pandemic academic collaboration

The project B05 "Inclusion and Benefit Dynamics in the Chinese Welfare Regime" successfully conducted field research in China for the first time after China ended its zero-COVID policy.

Read more // 05.03.2024

Prof. Dr. Tobias ten Brink and Dr. Zhe Yan in China
Prof. Dr. Tobias ten Brink and Dr. Zhe Yan in China

Equal Care Day Northwest 2024: Care-work in the course of life in cities and municipalities in the Northwest of Germany

The Equal Care Day Northwest 2024 will take place on Thursday, March 14, 2024, from 12 to 4 p.m. at the Jade University of Applied Sciences in Wilhelmshaven. The event is open to the public, partly digital (12 to 2 p.m.) and free of charge.

Read more // 29.02.2024

New website for project "Causes of Inclusion and Exclusion: Immigrant Welfare Rights in Global Comparison"

The website "The Immigrant Social Rights Project (ImmigSR)" provides the latest version of the ImmigSR dataset which includes a number of indicators of immigrant access to state provided welfare benefits in 39 countries in five world regions for the years 1980-2018. Resources also include a technical report with codebook and country and benefit coverage details, as well as updates on expansions.

Read more // 14.02.2024