Zeitschriftenbeitrag referiert
Berens, Sarah; Ruth-Lovell, Saskia, 2021: How Clientelism Hinders Progressive Social Policy in Latin America, in: Acta Politica, doi:10.1057/s41269-020-00189-x, 12.01.2021
Berens, Sarah, 2020: Opting for Exit: Informalization, Social Policy Discontent, and Lack of Good Governance, in: Latin American Politics and Society, 62 (2), S. 1 - 28, doi:10.1017/lap.2019.58
Altamirano, Melina; Berens, Sarah; Ley, Sandra, 2020: The Welfare State amid Crime: How victimization and fear of crime affect preferences for redistribution in Latin America, in: Politics & Society, 48 (3), S. 389 - 442, doi:10.1177/0032329220940850
Berens, Sarah; Dallendörfer, Mirko, 2019: Apathy or Anger? How Crime Experience Affects Individual Vote Intention in Latin America and the Caribbean, in: Political Studies, 67 (4), S. 1010 - 1033, doi:10.1177/0032321718819106
Berens, Sarah; Gelepithis, Margarita, 2019: Welfare State Structure, Inequality and Public Attitudes towards Progressive Taxation, in: Socio-Economic Review, 17 (4), S. 823 - 850, doi:10.1093/ser/mwx063
Altamirano, Melina; Berens, Sarah; Deeg, Franziska, 2021: Varieties of Economic Vulnerability: Evidence on Social Policy Preferences and Labor Informality from Mexico, in: Latin American Politics and Society, (im Erscheinen)
Baker, Andy; Berens, Sarah; Feierherd, Germán; Menéndez González, Irene, 2020: Labor Informality and its Political Consequences in Latin America, in: LAPOP Insights Series, (144), S. 1 - 16, 21.07.2020, Link (Stand: 24.11.2020)
Berens, Sarah; Kemmerling, Achim, 2019: Labor Divides, Informality and Regulation: The public opinion on labor law in Latin America, in: Journal of Politics in Latin America, 11 (1), S. 23 - 48, doi:10.1177/1866802X19843362
Berens, Sarah; Ruth-Lovell, Saskia, 2019: Universal Social Policies and Clientelistic Party Strategies in Latin America, in: Ruth-Lovell, Saskia P.; Spirova, Maria (Hg.), Clientelism and Democratic Governance in Comparative Perspective, Colchester: ECPR Press
Berens, Sarah, 2019: Rezension: Cambridge University Press (Hg.), 2018, Democracies in Peril. Taxation and Redistribution in Globalizing Economies, in: Perspectives on Politics