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Windzio, Michael; Oeltjen, Mareike, 2024: Sozialräumliche Kontexteffekte in Nachbarschaften, in: Böhnke, P.; Konietzka, D. (Hg.), Handbuch Sozialstrukturanalyse, Wiesbaden: Springer VS, (im Erscheinen)

Windzio, Michael, 2024: The evolution of human sociality. Categorizations, emotions, and friendship, in: Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie (KZfSS), Online first, doi:10.1007/s11577-023-00919-x, 15.12.2023

Windzio, Michael, 2023: Honor in the wild. Virtuous violence between the Hobbesian trap and social order, in: Human Nature, (34), S. 400 - 421, doi:10.1007/s12110-023-09455-1, 06.09.2023

Martens, Kerstin; Windzio, Michael, 2022: Isomorphism, 'Cultural Spheres' and Education Systems: A Brief Summary and Concluding Remarks, in: Martens, Kerstin; Windzio, Michael (Hg.), Global Pathways to Education. Cultural Spheres, Networks, and International Organizations, Global Dynamics of Social Policy, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, S. 285 - 302

Mossig, Ivo; Windzio, Michael; Besche-Truthe, Fabian; Seitzer, Helen, 2022: Networks of global social policy diffusion. The effects of culture, economy, colonial legacies, and geographic proximity, in: Windzio, Michael; Mossig, Ivo; Besche-Truthe, Fabian; Seitzer, Helen (Hg.), Networks and Geographies of Global Social Policy Diffusion. Culture, Economy and Colonial Legacies, Global Dynamics of Social Policy, Global Dynamics of Social Policy, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, S. 1 - 37

Besche-Truthe, Fabian; Seitzer, Helen; Windzio, Michael, 2022: Global 'Cultural Spheres' and the Introduction of Compulsory Schooling around the World, in: Nullmeier, Frank; González de Reufels, Delia; Obinger, Herbert (Hg.), International Impacts on Social Policy. Short Histories in a Global Perspective, Global Dynamics of Social Policy, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, S. 157 - 170

Martens, Kerstin; Windzio, Michael (Hg.), 2022: Global Pathways to Education. Cultural Spheres, Networks, and International Organizations, Global Dynamics of Social Policy, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, doi:10.1007/978-3-030-78885-8

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