Zeitschriftenbeitrag referiert
Dingeldey, Irene; Fechner, Heiner; Gerlitz, Jean-Yves; Hahs, Jenny; Mückenberger, Ulrich, 2022: Worlds of Labour: Introducing the Standard-Setting, Privileging and Equalising Typology as a Measure of Legal Segmentation in Labour Law, in: Industrial Law Journal, 51 (3), S. 560 - 597, doi:10.1093/indlaw/dwab016, 22.07.2021
Dingeldey, Irene; Gerlitz, Jean-Yves, 2021: Not just Black and White, but different Shades of Grey: Legal Segmentation and its effect on Labour Market Segmentation in Europe, in: International Labour Review, doi:10.1111/ilr.12336
Gerlitz, Jean-Yves, 2018: Rising In-work Poverty in Times of Activation: Changes in the Distributive Performance of Institutions over Three Decades, Germany 1984-2013, in: Social Indicators Research, 140 (3), S. 1109 - 1129, doi:10.1007/s11205-017-1816-9
Sammelbandbeitrag referiert
Dingeldey, Irene; Gerlitz, Jean-Yves, 2022: Labour Market Segmentation, Regulation of Non-Standard Employment, and the Influence of the EU, in: Nullmeier, Frank; González de Reufels, Delia; Obinger, Herbert (Hg.), International Impacts on Social Policy. Short Histories in a Global Perspective, Global Dynamics of Social Policy, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, S. 247 - 260
Dingeldey, Irene; Fechner, Heiner; Gerlitz, Jean-Yves; Hahs, Jenny; Mückenberger, Ulrich, 2020: Measuring legal segmentation in labour law, SOCIUM SFB 1342 WorkingPapers/5/2020, Bremen: SOCIUM; SFB 1342, Download PDF