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Dingeldey, Irene; Gerlitz, Jean-Yves, 2022: Labour Market Segmentation, Regulation of Non-Standard Employment, and the Influence of the EU, in: Nullmeier, Frank; González de Reufels, Delia; Obinger, Herbert (Hg.), International Impacts on Social Policy. Short Histories in a Global Perspective, Global Dynamics of Social Policy, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, S. 247 - 260

Dingeldey, Irene; Grimshaw, Damian; Schulten, Thorsten, 2021: Conclusion: Understanding the multiple interactions between institutions of minimum wages and industrial relations , in: Dingeldey, Irene; Grimshaw, Damian; Schulten, Thorsten (Hg.), Minimum Wage Regimes. Statutory Regulation, Collective Bargaining and Adequate Levels, Routledge Research in Comparative Politics, New York and London: Routledge, S. 259 - 281

Dingeldey, Irene; Grimshaw, Damian; Schulten, Thorsten, 2021: Introduction: Minimum wage regimes in Europe and selected developing countries, in: Dingeldey, Irene; Grimshaw, Damian; Schulten, Thorsten (Hg.), Minimum Wage Regimes. Statutory Regulation, Collective Bargaining and Adequate Levels, Routledge Research in Comparative Politics, New York and London: Routledge, S. 1 - 17

Dingeldey, Irene; Grimshaw, Damian; Schulten, Thorsten (Hg.), 2021: Minimum Wage Regimes. Statutory Regulation, Collective Bargaining and Adequate Levels, Routledge Research in Comparative Politics, London and New York: Routledge

Dingeldey, Irene; Fechner, Heiner; Gerlitz, Jean-Yves; Hahs, Jenny; Mückenberger, Ulrich, 2021: Worlds of Labour: Introducing the Standard-Setting, Privileging and Equalising Typology as a Measure of Legal Segmentation in Labour Law, in: International Law Journal, Advance article (dwab016),, 22.07.2021, Link (Stand: 03.09.2021)

Dingeldey, Irene, 2020: Mehr als 50 Jahre Arbeitsförderungsgesetz: Die Entwicklung der deutschen Arbeitsmarktpolitik als Fortschritt oder Rückschritt?, in: Momentum Quarterly, 9 (1), S. 35 - 49, Link (Stand: 18.08.2021)

Pohlig, Matthias; Israel, Sabine; Dingeldey, Irene, 2020: Does the household context matter for job satisfaction among low-wage workers? , in: Economic and Industrial Democracy, S. 1 - 31, doi:10.1177/0143831X20975865

Dingeldey, Irene; Fechner, Heiner; Gerlitz, Jean-Yves; Hahs, Jenny; Mückenberger, Ulrich, 2020: Measuring legal segmentation in labour law, SOCIUM SFB 1342 WorkingPapers/5/2020, Bremen: SOCIUM; SFB 1342, Download PDF

Dingeldey, Irene; Steinberg, Lisa; Assmann, Marie-Luise, 2019: Horizontal and Vertical Coordination of the European Youth Guarantee, in: Hvinden, Bjorn; Hyggen, Christer; Schoyen, Mi Ah; Sirvátka, Tomás (Hg.), Youth Unemployment and Job Insecurity in Europe. Problems, Risk Factors and Policies, Cheltenham and Northampton: Edward Elgar Publishing, S. 184 - 205, doi:10.4337/9781788118897

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