20th and 21st of February 2025 "Worlds of Labour. The Impact of Employment Regulations on Labour Market Inequality and Segmentation." International Conference on Work, Migration, and Society at University of Madras
25.09.2024 “Reacting to Cost-Competition: Labour market segmentation within the Automotive Industry in South Africa” (mit Irene Dingeldey) "Politik in der Polykrise", 29. DVPW-Kongress, 24.-27. September 2024, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Lecture "Project ‚Worlds of labour‘ field stay in South Africa in March 2023: First reflections on sample, methodology and content" as part of the A03 Jour-Fixe April 17th 2023, 1:30 - 4:00
Lecture “Accessing and using WeSIS/-pedia”. Internal workshop of the project group A03; 12.07.2021; 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.; Andrea Schäfer (in German)
"Insights into Care Work. A documentation report of the kick-off event for the project carat – caring all together on 28/29.06.2021".
The brochure can be downloaded free of charge from the Internet:
Lecture "Informality: Discourse, Application and Discussion" as part of the A03 Jour-Fixe Nov 21st 2022, 1:30 - 3:00
Lecture "Gender - Care - Work - Matters. An introduction from a sociological and socio-political perspective of work" (Hans Böckler Cluster 'Who cares', on 24.05.2022)
Organization, planning and moderation of the events in Bremen in the context of the International Equal Care Day (ECD2022) on 01.03.2022. Here the detailed documentation of the Bremen city room on the internet pages of the carat project.
Karin Gottschall's retirement ceremony (October 15, 2021) Together with R. Abramowski, S. Birkenstock, I. Dingeldey, A. Hokema and S. Scherger I organized the retirement party for Prof. Dr. Karin Gottschall.
carat: Kick-off-Veranstaltung (28.-29.06.2021)
Together with Bettina Schweizer and Dr. Sonja Bastin I initiated the project 'carat-caring all together'. The launch event took place on 28 and 29.06.2021.
The project 'CARAT - Caring all together' was presented to the regional section of German Association of Women Lawyers. I was sending a clear message: Together we can make a big difference and create a care system that works for all.
Andrea Schäfer has joined project A03 (02.03.2021)
In "Worlds of Labour", the social scientist focuses on the refinement of indicators and their integration into the Global Welfare State Information System (WeSIS).